Wednesday, May 29, 2013

My very relaxing summer adventure!

Hi Yah!

I'm Rhea, I'm a mom of Ethan and a wife of Jerome and We Are The Opura's:-)

Want you to share Our very relaxing summer adventure and It was my favorite!

It's May and definitely Summer is not yet over! We had a two days and one night summer adventure in...

Canyon Cove Residential Beach Resort in Nasugbu Batangas

Canyon Cove was a total package, You can do anything you want, there's a pool, beach and a playground area for our toddler
pool area

beach area

playground area

And most important is the homey ambiance... 

the homey place

It's a perfect get away for The Opura's. So when we arrived, no time was wasted, we immediately change to our swimmmimg attire...
the daddy
the mommy and the son
We swim in the pool and in the beach and  play in the playground, 

We really enjoyed the day....

Morning came, and I prepared for our breakfast. crazeemum's still doing her mom and wife duties ha. I told you it was homey in the Canyon Cove..

from the left-over @ last night dinner

And then... having fun again...

and finally said goodbye to Canyon Cove...

But the adventure is not yet over...

We went to.. Tagaytay to eat...

And to have cofee...

It was really an adventure, from Cavite to Nasugbu to Tagaytay.. An awesome and experienced!

It was my favorite summer get away because for two days and one night. We had a lot of adventures worth remembering. 

It was not a tiring trip but a very relaxing one. Wearing our very comfortable shoes in an adventure was a great help.  

it is very important to wear your most comfortable shoes in an adventure and it is also important to wear your most stylish shoes in an adventure... so keep it lite.. wear Native Shoes!

Me, wearing my hollywood pink jefferson native shoes and jerome wearing his pigeon grey jefferson native shoes.

So we had a very lite feeling in this adventure that when we arrived home, Our little chef, Ethan prepared a nachos for us.

Hope we can buy also a pair of jefferson for our Ethan for our next adventure.

And for your next adventure try Native Shoes for a very comfortable and stylish feeling.  To experience the lite feeling with Native Shoes their are giving giveawayKeep lite with Native Shoes


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