Thursday, May 23, 2013

DIY project

Hi  Yah Mommies!

Last night, I am doing some DIY's  using a used/ sira sira T-shirt  of mine.  Nah.. not for the Shoebox House of Us. but for me:-)

I hope it will have a good result. BTW, the only materials are: Scissor and a sira sirang t shirt.

Can you guess what I'm doing?

Then suddenly someone's came...

and get the stuffs i'm doing..

He's not letting me to touch the retasos

Inagaw na nya ng tuluyan...

Ang galing-galing mang asar!

May pinagmanahan lang...

I am failed!

But tonight, I will let Ethan to sleep early so that I can finish my DIY...


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