Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Yes! I am SAHM

Hi yah mommies:-)

It's been half a month that yours truly, was staying at home and not earning a single cent.

When I decided to quit from my job, a lot of people reacted and keep telling me that I did a wrong move, but honestly, I am enjoying the fun of being a mom and a wife who stays in home. Believe me, I don't miss my office table.  

Actually, At first, I thought that I can blog more often but I was wrong, I always consumed my time with my Ethan and enjoying every second of it. I observes that he likes it and he alwauys says that he love me so much. Now, I realized that the most important to give our children are the time we spend with them and not the money.

Now, I realized how lucky I am to experience this kind of fun.
                                          Crazeemum and Crazeesun enjoying our time

                                               Ethan with his friends in the shoebox      
                                                                  House of Us


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