Friday, August 1, 2014

My necklaces Were Repaired

Hi yah Mommies:-)

When I was small my dad who works abroad always buy me jewelries, name it....necklace,ring,bracelets and earrings. But I think I am not lucky with these pieces because it ended losing on my hand.

I remember my favorite piece was an ID bracelet.  And I cried a river when I lost it.  I have tons of gold earrings but always lost the left or the right one:-(

When I had my first job,  I bought an18k saudi gold neklace with heart pendant, and guess what? The necklace is still with me but the heart pendant? It was lost.

The necklace was broken two months ago and last week I went to Ongpin and met Mang Rolly,

 he's a goldsmith and help me to fix my broken necklace...

It is also a chance to fix my 20 plus years old necklace given by my mom when I was  still a kid.

I am now a happy kid:-)

Thanks to my platero


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