Monday, April 8, 2013

Ampalaya con Liempo

As early as 2, We encourage our little Ethan to eat vegetables. Now, I will show the Ampalaya con Liempo I cooked this weekend for him.

The Ingredients:

  • 1 pc. Amplaya
  • 2 pcws eggs
  • 2 pcs tomato
  • 1 pc garlic
  • 1/4 kilo of grilled liempo
  • salt
  • fish sauce
  • oyster sauce
  • cooking oil

The Preparations:

  1. Marinate liempo in soysauce and calamansi then grill
  2. Heat cooking Oil then sauteed garlic and tomato followed by the Amplaya
  3. put the eggs and seasoned with salt, fish sauce and oyster sauce
  4. Mix everything together
  5. For 5-10 minutes put in a bowl
  6. cut liempo into medium square size
  7. put liempo in the top of the cooked ginisang amplaya..

The Ampalaya con Liempo


oh no! He like the fish more than my ampalaya

Well, so happy that Ethan made it.. he ate 3 spoonful of rice with ampalaya, on the fourth spoon... he taste the bitterness and began to ignore the food. In the end, just told him that no more ampalaya is in the spoon, then he ate again:-)

At least, he tried to eat my Amplaya con Liempo:-)


  1. the recipe is simple and good for the health.

    anyway, i cant find your GFC, i added you on google+ instead.


  2. Hi Ms. Mira,

    Thanks for the comment and dropping by my site. just new in blogging and googling. hehehe. medyo nangangapa pa.Hey! your lucky for wiinig giveaways from Manila Mommy ha. sana ako din makatsamba:-)
