Thursday, April 18, 2013

Ako Guro!

Hi Yah!

Since my FB timeline is full of graduation pictures.  I want to share to you guys that I've been a part-time professor once in my life, I’ve started in 2007 and took my leave when I was to give birth to Ethan. I would say that this is the PEEK of MY CAREER! In  our company, I was promoted from Accounting Assistant to Purchasing Officer, to Finance and Admin Manager. And in school I was chosen to be : 
  1.  Thesis Adviser four times,
  2.   Best Thesis in one of my advisory class.
  3.   a panelist in a Thesis defense.
  4.  Was invited to be a guest speaker in my alma mater.
Teaching was the coolest thing I’ve done in my career.  Imagine after the stress I had in my office, I wil go straight to my class and when I see my students I will be fine already and  will start the discussions I can say that  my students are my stress reliever.

I hope that I can go back to school and teach again, I know… one day I can. Thank you to Sir Gucci for giving me a chance to teach and to my STI Family for the feelings that I belong even I'm just a part time prof.

Mabuhay ang mga guro!

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