Friday, March 21, 2014

Phone cases from Japan Home Center

Gone are the days when Japan Home Center (aka Daiso) are selling selling stuffs for home and personal use.  

In my post here about The Shoebox House of Us steal buys. Some items were  bought from Japan Home Center. All items here were sold for Php88.00 .

From plastoc containers for organizing, vase, picture frames, wall decals, baskets, kitchen utensils, mugs, laundry soap, detergents..naku! everything talaga!.

Now! even Mobile Cases they have na:-)   Very fashionable pa.. for Php88.00

Look! What did I buy...

blue polka dot case for my iphone4s
black and white abstract print for Jerome's S4
all these for Php88.00 each ha

If you have time mommies... go look at Japan Home Center.. I'm sure you will love it.


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