Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A Copycat of Paris Hilton:-)

Hi Yah mommies:-)

Sorry for being MIA as in Missing - in Action again, I'm quite busy... But I will not let this day ends without sharing in my blog.

I'm so excited!  And I just can't hide it... I know! I know! You're nothing but a second rate, trying hard!!! COPYCAT!

 PAK na Pak!!!

Look a look that’s look-a-like!!!

ay ! Kalow-ka-Like pala! bwahahaha!!!

I really admire Paris Hilton. She's so blessed with a beautiful face and body. She is a perfect model of ― Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ryThe Little Prince  beautiful quote “The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.” 

Paris Hilton is beautiful inside and out.  She's a glamorous Hollywood actress, entrepreneur and a 32 year old multi billionaire and she's helping so many charritable institutions, loves dogs and her family.

And I am very very happy when I saw he IG post last Sunday.


We had almost same shot in a mountain (minus the shades and the dogs)...
Left photo From Paris IG : taken last 03-16-24
Right photo From crazeemum FB: taken last 2008
 and another one....
Left photo From Paris IG : taken last 03-16-14
Right photo From crazeemum FB: taken last 2008
 Aw!!!I have shades and dog here:-)

And another...
                                                                     Left photo From Paris IG : taken last 03-05-14
                                                                  Right photo From crazeemum FB: taken last 2008

Aw! almost same pose... and almost same face! (lol!) Of course I'm just kidding :-)

Paris is one of a million girls who is truly blessed :-)

And I am so happy that Paris and I have something in common...  It's the love for the dogs and the mountains... And the love of being yourself:-)  I hope someday... I can see her:-)


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