Friday, March 28, 2014

I Love Clouds

Every time I see clouds I remember some of my childhood memories:

       1.  The first plane ride I had when I was 5… My dad said;” Keep looking at the clouds, you might see angels”, and I looked at the clouds... but I did not see any angels.

     2.  When I was 6, I asked my mom: “When will dad go home?” (he’s working abroad then) My mom replied: “Keep looking at the clouds, you might see him in the plane” and I looked at the clouds and saw a plane... but I did not see my dad... I just said: Bye... tatay...

    3. When I was 10, My childhood friend and I were sitting in the soccer field.. she said:”Keep looking at the clouds, you might see God’s face. So together, We looked at the clouds and created some images in our minds, We saw a baby face, a dog and a woman with long hair… but we did not see God’s face and I felt so sad but she said: Don’t be sad.. God always there, we might not see him… but he’s always there for  us.

 . My dad passed away in 2009. I got married in 2010 and start living with my husband and son.. far away from my mom, and my childhood friend left me in 1997.
clouds @ canyon cove batangas
 When I miss them, I just look at the clouds.. and everything will be fine.   Like God, I might not see them.. bu t I know.. they will always be  there for me.

clouds @ batangas


  1. Awww! I am so touched with this post! That was one good idea though! I'll look in the clouds din from now on. My dad passed away when I was 9. Anyway, you were right, we may not see them, but in our hearts, they are alive! Happy blogging Mommy! :)

  2. Hi Mommy Ambisyosa! Yeah.. When you miss someone, just look at the clouds... and you'll be fine. BTW, I just dropped by sa blog mo... Gusto ko yung 30-day challeneg ha.. pero baka nde ko magawa. hehehe! happy blogging:-)
