Saturday, March 30, 2013

Food for Lenten Seasons

This lenten seasons, I will show you the food I prepared for Our little Ethan, As early as two, I like to pass our religious traditions that  This seasons of Lent is a day of abstaining from flesh meat to honor Jesus Christ.

The ingredients:

Flour,salt,eggs,magic srap,basil leaves,oyster sauce,ground pepper,onion and garlic

The preparations:

drained the tuna

Mix all the ingredients
1. Drained the Tuna in a strainer
2.  Place the canned tuna in a bowl.

3. Chopped the garlic and onions
4. Add the eggs and the flour seasoned with basil leaves, magic sarap, salt  and the ground pepper
5. Mix everything together
6.  Mix first with the use of a spoon then use your clean hands  in creating the patties:-)
7.  Then fry in a moderate heat.


Add some spice for a "kaenga-enganyong kainin"


Ethan:  "Eat the eyes mommy!!!" Eat the ears mommy" hanggang sa naubos:-)


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