Sunday, February 16, 2014

I Love Facebook, it's the only place I can shout out loud my feelings

Hi Yah Mommies!

Facebook has been part of our lives, I'm sure many of us start our day by checking notifications, messages and friend's status on our Facebook account. mapa sa bahay man or opisina, Aminin:-)

Sometimes reading your facebook's friends wall make you smile and mad, you even get affected.

But remember, It is best to keep your professional  life separate from your personal life. Yeah we know Facebook is a valid form of stress reliever by shouting out loud your rants to your present and current workplace. There are people watching and following you and what they see on your Facebook page will paint in their heads and minds.

And if you think " that this is my Facebook Page and I can write anything that I want, my feelings and kaartehan"

Your facebook status will lats forever...

based on 5 Things That you shouldn't in your Facebook. by



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