Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I'm Your Friend.. Jollibee

Hi Yah Mommies:-)

I found a new friend, It's Jollibee... I find him cute and a best motivator for my Little Ethan.  Ethan, was so active and Bright! He knows that Monday to Friday is her parents office day and  Saturday and Sunday is his day! It's Ethan's Day with his crazee parents!

He also knows the he became hard headed when we spend the saturdays and sundays with him.  He doesn't like to sleep in the afternoon and doesn'e like to eat rice... All he want is to play..play..play and making kulit with his crazeeparents!

So last sunday, I asked him if he wants to eat in Jolibbee... and he answered " Yehey... I want Jolibbee french fries"

So we headed to Jolibbee and talk to him that he also need to eat spaghetti and chicken. If he will not eat spag and chix... he will not eat French Fries...  and so he did!!!

And I asked him again to finish his spaghetti so that "KUYA" (crew) will give him a toy...  and so he did...

When kuya crew handed over the toy to Ethan.. He's Deadma and eat his french fries continuosly...

 But when kuya crew opened the bag... Ethan was shocked and forgot the fries...

ANd then he asked me to take aa picture of him with his jolibbee:-)

Motivating your kid is also  difficult  especially when your a first time mom.. But little by little you will learned how to.  You just need to be patient and understand the needs and wants of your kids.




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