Monday, December 9, 2013

A Christmas Party!

Hi Yah Mommies!

It's December.. It's Christmas Party!!!

Hello Employers:-)  It's time for your employee to enjoy and reward their hardwork for a one year work.

Hey! Give us some time to enjoy with our officemates.. Give door prizes and games.. and give us a yummy food to eat!

Yeah! Yeah! Please dont get me wrong.  We just experienced a Typhoon Yolanda but I'm sure each and everyone of us had share and help  our families and friends who were effected by these calamity.  But please...  Let's continue the spirit of christmas...

Ituloy natin ang pasko:-)

We can celebrate christmas with so much joys without splurging money:-)  We can slash down the budget from last year and be happy:-)


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