Thursday, September 12, 2013

my 9th year in my company

Hi Yah Mommies:-)

How's your day so far?

Mine is fine:-)

I feel so stress free today.  wapak!

my certificate for being the longest employee
For the past weeks I am so stress and tired.  But when I received this certificate, everything turns into a rainbow! BOW!

In my about me page I mentioned that I am the longest employee in our company. It's really weird because since day1 in my company I always thought of resigning.

Don't get me wrong muthers! all of us is dreaming of more!!! Because no one in this world was born to be contented. And it  may not be the money but the happiness.

Oooppsss! Im not saying that I am not happy with my work ha! sige na nga.. sometimes I am not.  Because for me now. My happiness is my Family.

Being a workingmom is a very difficult task There are times you need to choose between your son and your work. . Just last week when my ethan was not feeling well, On that day I just want to stay at home and be with Him but I can't... because I have work to do!

Sometimes I feel, why I need to give my 100% in my work when nobody's appreciating it? Why not just give my 1000% to my family?

But I realized... how will I give my 1000% to my family if I cannot give my 100% in my work? I should be thankful because I have work and realized that 'this" work is a reason why we are living comfortably.

Now my mind has changed!  I am Proud to be the longest employee of our company. It's a History! But I am not saying that I will stay here forever ha!!!   It will never happen;-) hahaha!

Wait! It's thursday pala!!!  So here's my share on todays #Throwback Thursday

my office before

Ethan's here is 10 months old in my office  hair
Now I am dreaming of Ethan to be a CEO:-)

here is ethan just last last week in my table doing his business!
And I know someday... he will be... the best employee of his company!

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